Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
12-02-2015, 02:18 AM
Post: #11
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
UNBELIEVABLE, wypowiedział Sugar Ray Leonard, nie Lampley, .Lampley to nie był jak to @Zawixon,pisze wyżej
oto Kulminacja,walki :Komentarz, z Tokio- Tyson vs Douglas, 1990, 11 Luty :Lampley,Merchant,Sugar Ray Leonard runda 9/10 Lampley: The most action-filled, heavy punching exchange round of Mike Tyson’s career. Merchant: And Mike Tyson is hurt, his eye is closing and he is behind in this fight. Leonard: There is just an incredible surge of… of strength and life in “Buster” Douglas. Merchant: (watching replay) Let’s take a look. “Buster” Douglas is just going at him and what he’s doing is — what other fighters who have had Tyson in trouble have backed off to admire their work — and when he got him in trouble he went at him. And Tyson has taken some big punches. James Douglas is not a great puncher. But he’s a 230-pound man throwing some hard stuff… and Tyson, to his credit, has stood in there and taken the punches. Lampley: Oh what a right hand by Tyson to begin the 10th round. Emphasis on “man” Larry. This has been an inspired, courageous performance by a man whose mother has died within the past month — whose son’s mother is battling a difficult kidney ailment – who had every reason to come into this bout depressed and down-trodden – chosen by no one to have a chance of getting out of the first few rounds – and he has thoroughly dominated Mike Tyson with the exception of the moment when he went down. Leonard: Well, the other day, John Johnson err, Douglas’s manager, and Douglas himself said: “I am a new person now.” And apparently he is. Lampley: He’s been a whole different person than the one every boxing expert expected to see here. Merchant: It appears that Tyson is virtually a one-eyed fighter at this point. Lampley: A desperate one eyed fighter… brawling willingly just to try to get in the shot that will finish things and… Leonard: Oh the uppercut! Lampley: What an uppercut by Douglas! And down goes Tyson. Referee Octavio Meyran’s count is clearly audible above an eerie silence. Meyran: 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… Leonard: He’s… he we… it’s over Merchant: It’s over! Lampley: Mike Tyson has been knocked out! Leonard: Unbelievable! ●●●●●●●● Merchant: This makes Cinderella look like a sad story, what “Buster” Douglas has done here tonight. Lampley: Let’s go ahead and call it the biggest upset in the history of heavyweight championship fights. Say it now gentlemen: James “Buster” Douglas, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Merchant: I would be willing to say it’s the greatest upset in boxing history. Leonard: There seems to be a little pandemonium here… |
12-02-2015, 03:20 AM
Post: #12
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Kurde, też myslałem, że to Lampley powiedział
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12-02-2015, 08:57 AM
Post: #13
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
3 razy jest wypowiedziane
niewiarygodne... |
12-02-2015, 12:37 PM
Post: #14
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Nie wiem Joker gdzie ty słyszałeś w tej walce 3 razy to wypowiedziane.
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12-02-2015, 01:08 PM
Post: #15
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Jaja golone na sucho że 3 razy.
14-03-2015, 01:40 PM
Post: #16
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Martin Scorsese nakręci film o Mike Tysonie?
Jeżeli to prawda, to byłaby to bardzo dobra nowina, bo Martin potrafi kręcić tego typu filmy. ![]() |
14-03-2015, 02:23 PM
Post: #17
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Ciekawe kto mógłby zagrać Tysona, młodego, , Myśle że Jamie Foxx z z lekką poprawką graficzną byłby ciekawym wyborem.
14-03-2015, 02:58 PM
Post: #18
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Nie wiem czy z taką lekką.
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14-03-2015, 03:26 PM
Post: #19
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Ale chęć wyraża dużą, zresztą jest kandydatem numer 1, podobno
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17-03-2015, 07:26 PM
Post: #20
RE: Mike Tyson-Legenda HW
Jednak, potwierdzone info, ,Jamie Foxx zagra Tysona , , mimo 47 lat na karku zostanie odmłodzony tą samą techniką jaka została użyta przy "Ciekawym przypadku Benjamina Buttona.
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