Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
03-01-2015, 02:47 PM
Post: #1021
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Oooo padlem. Pytanie za 100 punktów: kto wyplaci te 200mln dolarów?
Chyba PPV bedzie musialo kosztowac 80-100 dolarów i kupi je 2,6-3 miliony ludzi ![]() Zeszliby na ziemie. Rozumiem 80:30 czy 100:40 ale 160? Jesli to prawda to teraz chyba Floyd zabujal w oblokach. Ciekawe co na to SHO. |
03-01-2015, 03:32 PM
Post: #1022
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Akurat oglądąłem jeden wywiad z Floydem przed 1 walką z Maidaną i znalazłem niezły komentarz.
If Floyd had chosen Amir Khan: -Khan doesn't even deserve the fight -Khan is not a threat to Floyd, this is why he was picked -Khan is just another hand picked opponent... -Floyd knows Khan has a glass chin and will probably KO him -Khan hasn't been too impressive in his last 4 fights -Why is Mayweather ducking Maidana? -Why doesn't FM fight the winner of the Maidana v Broner fight? -Floyd is scared of Maidana's power and awkward punches -Floyd doesn't want to deal with Maidana's looping left hooks and awkward style, so he went for the safe bet which is Khan... -Floyd is running scared from Maidana because he cracked Broners shoulder roll defense, and is scared he might do the same to him. -Maidana knows how to beat the shoulder roll, so Floyd ducked him -Floyd is a chicken, he's running away from the KO power of Maidana, to glass chinned Khan. -Why is he fighting Khan, when Maidana was winning on every other poll? -Why doesn't FM fight Maidana, this is the fight we want to see, who cares about Amir Khan? -Amir Khan will lose easily, this is why he was chosen. Floyd is running scared once again. etc.... Floyd chooses to fight Maidana: -Maidana is not a threat to Floyd Mayweather, this is why he was picked -Maidana is just another hand picked opponent -Floyd knows Maidana is too slow, this is why he was picked -Why is Floyd running from Khan's speed? -Mayweather is ducking Amir Khan because of his speed -Floyd only fights slow opponents, that's why he won't fight Khan -Maidana will lose easily, this is why he was chosen. Floyd is running scared once again... -Floyd has picked another flat footed fighter -Why is he fighting Maidana, when Khan won his website poll? -The world wants to see Floyd v Khan, nobody cares about another slow fighter like Maidana. -Floyd doesn't want to deal with Khan's speed so he went with the safe bet of Maidana -Floyd knows he can easily handle Maidana's style, so he picked him -Floyd is a chicken, he's running away from Khan who has the speed to beat him -Amir Khan is too young, too fast and too good for Floyd, so he ducked him -Floyd keeps fighting guys who throw big looping punches which he can easily slip and catch... Before the Canelo fight: -Canelo is going to be too big and strong for Floyd, he will bully him around the ring -Canelo is too young, strong, and he's more hungry than Floyd...Canelo to win. -Canelo wants it more than Floyd. -Canelo will not be one of his easy fights, he's a young champion who just beat Austin Trout impressively. -Canelo is one of the best young fighters out there, i think it will be an upset. -Canelo is younger, has more power and will KO Floyd. -Canelo isn't flat footed like Floyd's other opponents -Canelo will cut the ring off and work Floyd harder than anyone else -Canelo will win, he is young, has experience, he's bigger and stronger than Floyd and wants it more. -Canelo is the true champion of boxing, Floyd is champion of running After the Canelo fight: -Canelo was too inexperienced, he needs more time. -Canelo is only 23 years old, he needs to mature, the fight was too early and this is why Floyd picked him. -Canelo was too young, he needs more fights under his belt -Canelo was flat footed like all Floyd opponents -Canelo was hand picked -Canelo is a bum anyway and never stood a chance against Floyd -Canelo was cherry picked by Floyd who cherry picks all his opponents -Canelo was paid to lose by Floyd -Canelo is a terrible fighter anyway, he should never have been in there with Mayweather etc... ![]() |
03-01-2015, 04:22 PM
Post: #1023
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Jest ktos na tyle zorientowany, ze wie ile zarobil Floyd za walke z Alvarezem?
![]() |
03-01-2015, 04:46 PM
Post: #1024
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
40/42 klocki gwarantu plus ppv.
03-01-2015, 04:54 PM
Post: #1025
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
No wlasnie to jest moja bolaczka.. ile zarobil lacznie z % z PPV. Jakos mi to umknelo zaraz po walce i do dzis nie znam odp.
![]() ![]() |
03-01-2015, 05:54 PM
Post: #1026
![]() (03-01-2015 04:54 PM)BMH napisał(a): No wlasnie to jest moja bolaczka.. ile zarobil lacznie z % z PPV. Jakos mi to umknelo zaraz po walce i do dzis nie znam odp.http://bit.ly/179r6ws |
03-01-2015, 07:28 PM
Post: #1027
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
41.5 mln + ppv
06-01-2015, 02:31 PM
Post: #1028
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Emiraty stracily cierpliwosc i ze wzgledu na brak odpowiedzi od Floyda wycofaly oferte 120 milionow dolarow za pojedynek z Pacquaio.
06-01-2015, 02:40 PM
Post: #1029
RE: Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
To było do przewidzenia. Floyd nie ruszy się z Las Vegas.
06-01-2015, 05:09 PM
Post: #1030
Dla Floyda nie liczą się pieniądze, tylko zasady.
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